Biological Clock

Multimedia Project
Including Installation, Performance & Film


Fertility Altar Biological Clock Installation (detail)

Queer Time Clock by Annie Danger Biological Clock Installation (detail)

Fertility Altar Biological Clock Installation (detail)

Biological Clock is an extended multi-media series which culminated in a queer feminist-whore insemination gangbang ritual performance on April 30, 2011.

With long-term creative planning and ritualistic intention, I created a sacred scenario specifically to foster conception and pregnancy on my own terms.

In the several hour long ritual gangbang, I created a space of community participation, concentric but fluid roles between audience and performer, and a moment of simultaneously publicly embodying three of my major but socially at-odds identities relating to gender, sexuality and marginalization: community-minded queer performance artist, sex worker, and potential birth parent and mother.

Biological Clock Performance, Photos by Mabel Jimenez Femina Potens Gallery, San Francisco 2011

Sadie’s Baby, Short Film 26:16, 2013, directed by Ian McClellan

I tracked my own reproductive cycle for over a year, planted seeds weekly as a practice of generative routine, and sought out partners for “fisting training” to encourage my body to stretch beyond its previous capabilities as a preemptive measure to ease labor.

I enlisted artists who’ve touched my life to modify clocks representing various chronologies with which I interact, flow, and struggle.

Preparing for Motherhood, 2009-2012 selected works series of photographic collaborations

Come to Mama, The Fab Lab, Berlin 2010

Express Yourself, with Mad Kate, Varite Ridiculous, Berlin 2013

Milk Bar, Bend Over, Berlin 2013

Entanglement, Straight to Hell Performance Festival, Vienna 2014


WOMBmamapapadadaHOME, with Mad Kate and KAy Garnellen, “Father Figures Are Hard to Find”, nGbk, Berlin 2016